Will Overseeding Kill Weeds?

Will Overseeding Kill Weeds?

Overseeding is a lawn care practice where new grass seed is planted on your existing lawn. This helps fill in bare spots and it will make your grass more dense. But will overseeding kill weeds? Let’s take a look. No, overseeding by itself will not kill weeds, or choke them out. Combining the two will…

Can You Overwater Grass Seed?

Can You Overwater Grass Seed?

It should come as no surprise that new grass seed requires regular watering. But too much water can be a bad thing. This brings us to the following question: can you overwater grass seed? Yes, you can overwater grass seed and it will eventually ruin your lawn. Too much irrigation will create puddles, runoff, fungus,…

Can You Overseed in the Spring?

Can You Overseed in the Spring?

If you’re looking to achieve thick, green, and healthy grass, overseeding is the answer. However, this common lawn care process is often done in the fall. This raises the following question: can you overseed in the spring? Yes, overseeding can still be done in the spring – but it won’t be as effective. It’s better…