Do Hardwood Floors Scratch Easily?

When it comes to interiors, hardwood is the holy grail of flooring. But some people think it can be too hard to keep up with. This brings us to the following question: do hardwood floors scratch easily?

Hardwood floors don’t scratch easily, but they are known to wear down over time. The good news is that this is one of the few materials that can be restored back to its original appearance.

Sanding the surface and applying a new layer of finish can make hardwood look new again. Plus, there are many steps you can take as a homeowner, to prevent future damage to the hardwood.

Benefits of Hardwood

Even though hardwood floors can be expensive, they come with many added benefits. Consider the following – whether you have existing hardwood, or are looking to install new floors.

1. Exceptional Strength

Hardwood floors are much stronger than vinyl flooring and other plastic materials. When properly taken care of, solid wood can last for over 100 years. Don’t expect the same type of longevity with vinyl.

The most important factor is using high quality wood and getting it installed correctly. Even though wood can wear down with age, it can still withstand heavy amounts of foot traffic and it won’t fade.

2. Long-term Savings

Even though the cost of hardwood materials and labor is expensive, it can actually save you money in the long run. On average hardwood flooring can cost anywhere from $6 to $12 per square foot.

This is more than vinyl, which can run between $1 and $3 per square foot. However, wood flooring can last over 100 years, while vinyl flooring can only last between 5 and 25 years. In the end, wood is more cost effective.

3. Easy to Clean

Another added benefit of hardwood relates to cleaning. When it comes to maintaining this type of flooring material, all you need to do is sweep, use a vacuum, or mop the surface.

With hardwood, you don’t need to worry about removing stains found on most carpets. If you accidentally spill a liquid on the surface the most important thing is to clean it up immediately.

4. Improve Resale Value

It should come as no surprise that people search for homes with sought after features. Hardwood floors will not only make your house more desirable, but they can also improve the resale value.

Even if you have no plans on selling, natural wood can transform the look of the interior. It’s a way you can upgrade a room, without having to knock down walls, or redesign the overall layout.

5. Always in Style

Hardwood floors have been used for centuries and they will continue to be a building staple. Some trends (like wallpaper) come and go. But natural wood will never go out of style.

This can be a good thing if you are unsure of how to design your home. But know that the majority of homeowners will never rip out hardwood and have it replaced with vinyl, or linoleum flooring.

Do Hardwood Floors Scratch Easily?

As we mentioned in the sections above, hardwood floors do not necessarily scratch easily. However, the surface can wear down with age, which is why it’s so important to keep up with regular maintenance.

When you hear people talking about scratches, they are actually referring to marks on the finish – not the wood itself. The good news is these light surface scratches can be easily fixed in just a few steps.

The entire job involves removing the old finish, sanding the wood and applying a new finish on top. When done by a professional, this process can completely transform the appearance of your hardwood and make it look new again.

In some rare cases your floors may have deep scratches penetrating the wood. This can also be corrected with sanding. However, there may be some visible marks on the surface if the scratch is very deep.

Prevent Hardwood Floor Scratches

It doesn’t matter if your floors are new or old. Preventing surface scratches is an essential step to maintaining that rich appearance. Try some of these tips below, to keep the wood in good condition.

  • Throw rugs – Installing throw rugs in high traffic areas are one way to prevent hardwood floor scratches. They will shield the surface from potentially abrasive footwear. Plus, a throw rug can add some style to your home and break up the interior rooms.
  • Regular cleaning – Sweeping and mopping hardwood floors on a regular basis can also keep them like new. Dirt and other contaminants that stay on the surface can potentially cause damage. That’s why it’s critical to clean the wood on a consistent basis.
  • Felt pads – This is one of the best and easiest ways to prevent future damage. Felt pads get installed on the legs of chairs and tables. So when someone goes to move a piece of furniture, the bottom of the leg will not scratch the surface of the hardwood floors.
  • Trim pet nails – Keeping the nails of your pets groomed can also help. Dogs especially, are known to slip on hardwood. Sometimes when this happens it only forces them to dig into the floor and scratch the surface. But when their nails are trimmed it lessens the chance of scratches.
  • Take off shoes – Removing shoes before walking into your house is another simple way to prevent hardwood floor scratches. The problem is if a rock gets stuck on the bottom of your shoe, it can damage the surface. You can avoid this problem by keeping footwear at the door.

Scratches on Hardwood Floors Vinegar

You can even use household items to remove light scratches from your hardwood floors. The easiest method is to combine equal parts vinegar and olive oil.

Stir the mixture and gently apply it to the scratch. Allow the vinegar to sit for 24 hours, before dabbing it out with a clean rag. This will allow the mixture to soak into the wood and clean up the scratch.

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  • Do hardwood floors scratch easily?
  • How to prevent hardwood floor scratches

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