How to Clean a Moldy Baseball Glove

We all know that mold can develop in places like the basement and attic. Unfortunately this type of organic growth can also be found on sports equipment. In this article you will learn how to clean a moldy baseball glove in a few easy steps.

Removing mold from a baseball glove can be done with a soft bristle brush, white vinegar, and patience. You want to avoid using hard chemicals like bleach, because it can cause discoloration and vinegar is more effective for mold removal.

How Mold Grows on Baseball Gloves

You’re probably wondering how mold can even grow on a baseball glove in the first place. After all, this dangerous four letter word tends to pop up in basements and other areas of the house with water.

While moisture and a lack of sunlight does create the ideal environment for mold growth, so does sports equipment. Just think about what you might do with a baseball glove when the season is over.

Chances are it gets thrown into a drawer, or storage container and forgotten about until the following year. The problem is that a small amount of moisture on the leather (from sweat or rain) will create a perfect scenario for mold.

If the glove is sitting in a box it now doesn’t have any access to powerful UV rays. Mold loves dark environments, which is why you rarely see it growing in places that have direct sunlight.

How to Clean a Moldy Baseball Glove

If you’ve recently discovered mold on your baseball glove, there’s no reason to panic. It can be easily and safely removed with household products. Follow the steps below to get your glove looking new again.

1. Remove Surface Mold

Before attempting the vinegar method, it’s important to remove any surface mold first. You can do this with a soft bristle brush, or old toothbrush (that you don’t plan on using again).

Some mold will be sitting on the surface, which is why you want to start off with a brush. The idea is to apply enough pressure without scratching and causing damage to the leather.

You will also need to do this outside. Mold spores will get in the air and land on any surfaces in the area. If you were to brush the mold off inside, there’s a good change mold will spread in the house.

2. Use Vinegar

Once the surface mold has been removed you can use distilled white vinegar. Dilute the mixture with 1 parts water and 1 parts vinegar. The easiest thing to do is combine this mixture in a spray bottle.

Spray the entire surface area of the glove and let it sit for 1-2 minutes. You want the vinegar to seep into the cracks of the leather, in order to effectively remove all of the mold.

Then you can wipe the vinegar off with a rag. Repeat this process until there is no more visible mold on the surface. For more extreme circumstances, you will need to do this a few times.

3. Let the Glove Dry

After removing all of the mold with vinegar, you will need to let the glove dry. The fastest way to accomplish this is to leave the glove outside in direct sunlight for a few hours.

It won’t take long for the leather to dry, but fresh air also helps with the vinegar smell. If it’s raining you can always leave the glove inside with a fan pointed directly at the leather to speed up drying.

You can also try wiping the surface down with a towel when you’re done. It’s best to use an old towel or rag, in order to prevent causing discoloration on the fabric.

4. Oil the Leather

Using vinegar to remove any mold will dry out the leather. You can get the glove back to its original state by oiling it. This will make the leather last longer and prevent it from cracking.

Make sure to use dedicated leather oil for baseball gloves. Apply a light coating to the pocket where you catch balls. It’s best to start off with a small amount, as you can always add more later.

Rub the oil around with your finger to get a light coating. After you have applied the oil let the glove sit overnight to dry. Wipe the leather the following morning to remove any leftover oil.

5. Store the Glove

Once you know how to clean a mold baseball glove, it’s critical to prevent the mold from coming back in the future. Storing your equipment in the right places will keep the leather mold free.

Storing a glove in direct sunlight is by far the best way to prevent mold growth. Place the glove on a hook in a garage, closet, or similar area. The material will be out in the open so moisture won’t develop.

And if you do plan on storing the glove in a drawer, box, or similar container, make sure the leather is dry first. As we have learned from above, mold thrives in dark and damp environments.

Safety First

Whenever dealing with mold, it’s important to wear proper safety equipment. You want to protect yourself from dangerous mold spores from coming in contact with your eyes and skin.

Wearing safety goggles will shield your face and prevent mold from irritating your eyes. You should also wear a face mask or respirator to avoid breathing in dangerous mold spores.

Finally, it also helps to wear long sleeve clothing. Pants and a long sleeve t-shirt will shield your skin from mold. Mold can cause skin rashes and more serious problems if you are allergic.


By now you should have all the information needed on how to clean a moldy baseball glove. It’s common for sports equipment to develop this kind of organic growth, especially if it has been stored wet.

All you need is a brush, vinegar, and a little bit of time in order to restore that glove back to normal. Just make sure to wear safety equipment for this project, as dealing with mold can be harmful.

Further Reading

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