How to Cut Grass Under Trampoline

Having a trampoline is the perfect addition to your backyard. This recreational activity is a fun way to exercise and it brings people together of all ages. But you might be scratching your head when it comes to lawn maintenance. In this article we’ll talk about the best ways on how to cut grass under a trampoline.

Cutting the grass underneath a trampoline is fairly easy, assuming you have the right gear. Most of the time the lawn can be maintained with a push mower or string trimmer. You should have at least one of these machines at home if you take care of your own lawn.

How to Cut Grass Under Trampoline

There are a couple of different methods when it comes to dealing with grass under a trampoline. One of the quickest ways to reach the grass it to move the trampoline, but you probably want some new ideas. Below we’ve compiled a list of five ways to help you deal with this lawn maintenance problem.

1. Use a Push Mower

Riding mowers are large pieces of equipment and you probably won’t be able to fit them under a trampoline. That’s where a push mower can come in handy. Most of these machines have handles that allow you to adjust them to a lower height. You can hinge the handle down, which will give you plenty of room to mow under small spaces.

Unless you have a very large trampoline, you should be able to cut the grass by only using a push mower. Start at one side and slowly glide the machine underneath the fabric to cut the grass. You will need to repeat this process on each side of the trampoline, in order to reach every section. Finish up by using a string trimmer around the legs.

2. Put it on Wheels

Another easy way to cut grass under a trampoline is to put it on wheels. You will need to contact the manufacturer for a set of wheels, as all models are different. Don’t just buy a set on the internet and expect it to work, as all brands will have different size metal legs. If you’re a do-it-yourself person you could also make your own wheels.

Take a trip to your local hardware store and gather up all of the supplies. There are many different guides available on the internet, but you will need at least two wheels, angle irons, and flat irons. This will require some welding, but it will save you money in the long run. A set of wheels will help you move the trampoline by yourself.

3. Use a String Trimmer

Using a string trimmer will provide you with enough length needed to reach under a trampoline. This is a popular gardening tool that allows you to cut grass and weeds. A string trimmer helps clean up areas where a regular lawn mower isn’t able to fit. That’s why it’s a great solution for cutting grass under a trampoline.

Just make sure to use either a gas, or cordless electric string trimmer. It will be more difficult to maneuver around the trampoline with an extension cord. The best way to cut the grass is to slowly walk around the perimeter and reach underneath the fabric. You won’t be able to cut the grass evenly, but it will look much better overall.

4. Try a Robot Lawn Mower

Another method for cutting grass under a trampoline is to use a robot lawn mower. This machine is exactly what it sounds like. A robot lawn mower works by using a low voltage wire to map the perimeter of your yard. It’s similar to an invisible dog fence, as the wire allows the machine to stay in your lawn while cutting the grass.

The one downside to robot lawn mowers is the price. These machines can get expensive and setting them up can also take time. You wouldn’t only get a robot lawn mower to cut the grass under your trampoline either. If you were to spend the money on one of these machines, it only makes sense to use it on your entire yard and not one area.

5. Install a Sunken Trampoline

A sunken trampoline (or an in-ground trampoline) is another way to deal with grass. Sunken trampolines are flush to the ground, so you don’t have to worry about lawn maintenance. These devices are much safer than regular trampolines, because you don’t have to worry about falling off and they don’t require any netting.

If you plan on building a sunken trampoline, make sure to map out the area ahead of time. You will need to find a flat piece of ground to mark the size first. Then you need to remove a large amount of dirt, as the trampoline will need space to go down when in use. After the soil has been removed you can install the frame and place the fabric.

Does a Trampoline Kill Your Grass?

It’s important to note that trampolines will kill you grass over time. Even though there are ways to reach underneath the fabric to mow the lawn, you should consider moving the trampoline every so often. There are two main reasons why these popular outdoor toys are bad for your grass.

For starters, trampolines will prevent sunlight from fully shining on the lawn. Both sun and moisture won’t be able to reach the grass underneath. As a result, the lawn can’t get the nutrients it needs and will die in the process.

But trampolines can also hurt your grass in another way. During regular use, the metal legs will begin to push further down into the lawn. This pressure will pack down the soil and cause ugly lines in the yard that will be difficult to fix.

Does a Trampoline Need to be on Grass?

Now that you know how a trampoline can damage your lawn, you probably want to avoid it from happening. This brings us to the following question: does a trampoline need to be on grass?

The truth is, it’s still a good idea to keep your trampoline on the grass, even though it can be harmful. Grass is much better at absorbing shock when people are jumping up and down on the fabric. Plus the grass will hold the legs securely in place and they won’t slide.

It’s also safer keeping a trampoline on the grass compared to other materials like concrete, or asphalt. If someone were to fall climbing down from a trampoline, grass is the softer surface to land on. That’s why a net should also be used in addition to following proper safety measures.


Hopefully this article has helped you understand how to cut grass under a trampoline. There are many different options when it comes to dealing with this common lawn care problem.

The most important thing is keeping up with regular maintenance, so your grass can be healthy and grow. And don’t forget to move your trampoline every once in a while, to prevent the grass from dying.

Further Reading

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  • How to cut grass under trampoline
  • Does a trampoline kill your grass?

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