How to Clean Mildew Off Gutters

Having mildew and mold on gutters can completely ruin the look of your home. The problem is that when this organic growth begins to dry, it can become very difficult to remove. In this article you will learn the step-by-step process on how to clean mildew off gutters.

How Mildew Forms

If you inspect any home closely, there’s a good chance it will have mildew and mold. This fungi is likely to develop in shaded areas with moisture. That’s why basements, kitchens, and bathrooms are places where you can find this problem inside the house.

These areas have water and they don’t have much sunlight. Let’s talk about how mildew can develop on the outside of the house. In the most basic sense, when there is standing water on your gutters and no shade fungi spores have the perfect environment to grow.

The good news is that exterior siding and gutters are meant to be washed. Keeping the exterior clean on a regular basis will help prevent your gutters and siding from falling apart. Remember that the outside of your home is meant to get dirty and protect against the elements of nature.

How to Clean Mildew Off Gutters

There are two main ways on how to clean mildew off gutters – with a pressure washer and without a pressure washer. This outdoor tool will help, but you can still get the job done with a garden hose.

1. Gather Your Supplies

Before starting any type of outdoor project, it helps to gather all of your supplies and prepare the area. You want to avoid running around the house trying to find equipment during the cleaning process.

You will need a pressure washer (or garden hose), soap, pump sprayer, and a ladder for hard to reach areas. It also helps to remove any furniture, tools, or children’s toys from the perimeter of the house before beginning.

Make sure to free up a few hours of your day for this project. It’s something that can take longer than you think – especially if you have a bigger house. And don’t forget to pick a sunny day with no rain in the forecast.

2. Use Soap

You can either use exterior siding detergent, vinegar, or bleach to clean the gutters. If you are using a pressure washer, check the label to make sure that the soap will work with your exact model.

The last thing you need is to damage your machine by putting a harmful chemical into the canister. It’s best to avoid putting bleach in a pressure washer, because it’s too harsh and can cause damage to the internal components.

If you don’t have a pressure washer, the next best solution is a handheld sprayer. This handy little tool doesn’t cost much and it can be a great way to clean those hard to reach areas.

3. Let it Sit

It’s important to let the soap sit for 3-5 minutes after you have sprayed it on the gutters. This dwell time will allow the cleaning agents to work their magic and remove stubborn mildew embedded to the surface.

Most of the mildew doesn’t come off with high amounts of water pressure. It’s actual the soap that helps remove fungi from gutters. Dwell times may vary, so check the label if you’re using a specific exterior cleaning agent.

There’s definitely a sweet spot when it comes to this step. Leaving the detergent on for a short time won’t be as effective. But you also want to avoid leaving it on too long and having the mixture dry out in the sun.

4. Rinse

Once you’ve sprayed a section of gutters and let the mixture sit, it’s time to rinse off the remaining soap. This can be done with a pressure washer, but a regular old garden hose will do the job too.

It’s important to spray down the gutters from all angles to remove any excess detergent. Gutters have a unique shape and you won’t be able to stand in one place to spray them down, because it won’t clean all of the soap.

You can reach second story areas with a pressure washer, but you might not have this ability with a hose. If your hose has low pressure, it helps to stand on a ladder to rinse these hard to reach areas.

Tips for Gutter Cleaning

As you have just learned, cleaning mildew off gutters can be done in a few easy steps. But there are some additional tips you can follow before starting. This will help the job run smoothly and give you professional looking results.

Try Different Nozzles

This first tip only applies if you are cleaning gutters with a pressure washer. These tools can produce a high volume of water, but the attachments will make the biggest difference.

A 40-degree nozzle will be the best option when it comes to gutter cleaning. It will provide you with enough spray power, but it won’t cause any damage to the surface.

Spray Down Plants

When working with cleaning agents there’s always a risk for damaging grass and plants. In order to avoid ruining the landscaping, make sure to spray down nearby plants with water every few minutes.

This method of over-watering will keep them alive when any harsh chemicals land on them. You could also try covering these areas with a tarp, but this can also be harmful for an extended period of time in the hot sun.

Get on a Schedule

Learning how to clean mildew off gutters is just one step to being a responsible homeowner. This type of organic growth will most likely return again – especially in areas with heavy amounts of shade and moisture.

So, if you want to avoid this becoming a serious project, try cleaning your gutters once a year. This will prevent them from getting too dirty. If you wait a long time between cleaning, it will only be more difficult next time.

Further Reading

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  • How to clean mildew off gutters
  • How to clean mold off gutters

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